We are excited to announce that the Regina Music Festival will be offering a series of video tutorials designed to help you help you prepare for performances.
What is Music Festival Suite (MFS)?
Music Festival Suite is the online registration system for the Regina Music Festival Association. You can access MFS from the RMFA website by clicking on the Registration button at the top of the page.
Your profile will show your classes and when you are scheduled to perform. You will find the comments from adjudicators through your profiles.
PLEASE NOTE: Scholarship cheques will be mailed, so check your profile and make sure that the mailing address is correct.
The syllabus is available on the Profile page in MFS. It is a button on the right side of the screen, labelled See the Syllabus Here. This leads you to all of the SMFA classes as well as the Regina District classes.
You must provide:
You or your parent can return later and pay for the registration(s). But you are not registered in the class if you do not pay before the deadline.
Your registration will be complete when payment is made. The preferred method of payment is by credit card through MFS and Stripe. If you are unable to pay by credit card, please contact info@reginamusicfestival.com to arrange payment by e-transfer or cheque.
Your information is secure from top to bottom. The RMFA does not hold any information about you on our website. The Music Festival Suite is certified and holds the HTTPS status in its address.
Your payment is through Stripe, so credit card information is not held by either the RMFA or the MFS system.
Before the close of registration:
Go back into your registration and fix the error. If you have already paid for your registration in this class, please contact our Production Manager (info@reginamusicfestival.com), who will ensure that the change also shows that payment has been made. If you have not already paid for this class, fix the error and pay for the class when you have finished the registration process.
After the close of registration, each entry is scrutinized by a discipline expert. If you are entered into the wrong class, you will be contacted. There are several reasons that this might happen.
Before the close of registration, you can get a refund. Please contact the Production Manager (info@reginamusicfestival.com) to ensure that this transaction is completed in MFS and that the Treasurer knows to send you the refund.
After the close of registration, there are no refunds.
Yes. For example, you can enter a class for 16 and under as long as you are 16 or younger than 16 as of the 31st of December of the registration year.
PLEASE NOTE: You cannot enter classes with the same title but for different age levels. For example, you might enter a French Art Song, 16 and Under, but you cannot also enter a French Art Song, 14 and Under, even if you are 14 or younger.
No, in all classes the accompaniment is on the piano unless the description of the class explicitly states otherwise.
No. Only percussion performances can be with a recorded accompaniment
We cannot schedule a specific date for a registrant.
The RMFA will publish the schedule as early as possible so that you can work your schedule around the published date/time for your class.
ALSO NOTE: you must perform and be marked in two solo classes in your discipline to be eligible for any scholarship.
There is no printed program for Festival 2024. The full program will be posted on the RMFA website. You can download the program.
There will be a poster for each adjudicator in Festival 2024 displayed in the foyer of the Conservatory. The poster will have their picture and complete bio that they provided to us for this festival.
Our Festival 2024 Adjudicators will be announced in February 2024 and will be posted on our website.
The Door Monitor will indicate when it is permissible to enter the room.
No videotaping is allowed. Although you may feel that you can control the distribution of the recording once made, and you may, as a relative, have permission to distribute the recording, there are others in the room who have not given you permission.
Photography during a performance is strictly forbidden.
If you have taken a selfie and wish to share it with the Festival, please email the photograph to info@reginamusicfestival.com.
Photographs will be used for marketing purposes, such as on our website and posting on Facebook and/or Instagram.
At this time, masking is entirely voluntary.
Warm-up rooms are provided in all venues of the Regina Music Festival. Please check at the Welcome desk in the foyer of the Conservatory or with the Door Monitor desk at Christ Lutheran Church. You will be directed to the warm-up room.
All adjudication comment sheets are scanned by the Festival office and posted to the participant’s MFS profile. Please check your profile frequently. We endeavour to have the adjudication sheets posted within 24 hours of the performance.
The Fleming Award is given to the best performer in the MLT Aikins competition as determined by the adjudicators.
The Cornish Award is given to the best performer in the Lions competition as determined by the adjudicators.
The MLT Aikins competition begins at 1:30 pm in Darke Hall.
The Lions competition begins at 7:00 pm in Darke Hall.
Both competitions are broadcast live on AccessNow TV. Therefore, a special media waiver must be signed by each performer.
Scholarships are determined by the adjudicator in each discipline. They make their decisions at the end of the last class or the last session of their discipline.
The Scholarship Committee reserves the right to confirm the awards based upon reviewing the eligibility requirements. The Committee will notify the winners of the adjudicator’s decisions.
The names of the Scholarship winners will be posted on the website in early June of each year.
The RMFA Board of Directors will meet immediately after the festival to approve the payment of scholarships.
The scholarships will be awarded by cheque and mailed to the winners.
You are required to send a note of gratitude to the donor of the scholarship you won. The notification from the Scholarship Committee will give you the name and contact information of the donor.
Our festival is performed on Treaty 4 Territory. These are the traditional lands of the nêhiyawak (Cree), Anihšināpēk (Saulteaux), and Dakota, Lakota, and Nakoda, and the homeland of the Métis. May we strive to make beautiful music together.
All Rights Reserved
©2023, Regina Music Festival Association
Charity BN/Registration Number: R 82187 1845 RR001
©2023, Regina Music Festival Association, Charity BN/Registration Number: R 82187 1845 RR001
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