Registration will open on December 15th, 2024, and close on January 31st, 2025 at midnight.
Late registrations will be allowed on February 1st with a 50% penalty fee.
April 11th to May 4th, competitions offered morning, afternoon, and evening.
Admission by donation and all are welcome to every session.
All disciplines will be held at the University of Regina Conservatory of Performing Arts and Darke Hall
with the exception
of the Choral competition, held at Christ Lutheran Church.
May 4th at Darke Hall
Discipline | Date |
Brass/Woodwinds/Percussion | April 28 - May 3 |
Choral | April 14 - 15 |
Musical Theatre | April 11 - 17 |
Piano 1 | April 28 - May 3 |
Piano 2 | April 11 - 17 |
Pipe Organ | TBD |
Strings | April 28 - May 3 |
Vocal 1 | April 28 - May 3 |
Vocal 2 | April 11 - 17 |
MLT-Aikins Intermediate Competition | May 4 |
Lions Senior Competition | May 4 |
Ages 11 & under: $28
Ages 13 & under: $30
Ages 17 & under: $35
Ages 18 plus: $40
Grades 1 to 4: $28
Grades 5 to 6: $30
Grades 7 to 8: $35
Grade 9 to 10: $40
1 to 2 years: $28
3 to 4 years: $30
5 plus years: $35
Duets: $40
Trios: $50
Ensembles: $60
Bands or Orchestras: $85
School Choirs: $50
Community Choirs: $85
The Regina Music Festival Association reserves the right to adjust any scholarship description that we may have erroneously presented herein. It is our intention, at all times, to represent the wishes of the scholarship donor. Should we have erred in the preparation of this document, our mistake will be rectified before the scholarship is awarded.
Please review the scholarship rules & regulations.
Establishing New Scholarships
Individuals or organizations wishing to sponsor new scholarships in the Regina Music Festival are invited to contact Heather Gosselin, Robin Swales, Katherine Bergman, or our Production Manager, Allison Luff.
Ages 5-10: $50-$100
Ages 11-12: $100-$150
Ages 13-14: $100-$150
Ages 15-17: $150-$200
Ages 18+: $200-$400
The Regina Music Festival Association reserves the right to establish or modify scholarship criteria in accordance with the regulations and needs of the Festival. The Scholarship Committee will consult annually with the donor to confirm each scholarship and its criteria.
The Regina Music Festival Association reserves the right to adjust any scholarship description that we may have erroneously presented herein. It is our intention, at all times, to represent the wishes of the scholarship donor. Should we have erred in the preparation of this document, our mistake will be rectified before the scholarship is awarded.
Please review the scholarship rules & regulations.
Establishing New Scholarships
Individuals or organizations wishing to sponsor new scholarships in the Regina Music Festival are invited to contact Heather Gosselin, Dr. Robin Swales, Katherine Bergman, or our Production Manager, Brad McDougall.
Ages 5-10: $50-$100
Ages 11-12: $100-$150
Ages 13-14: $100-$150
Ages 15-17: $150-$200
Ages 18+: $200-$400
The Regina Music Festival Association reserves the right to establish or modify scholarship criteria in accordance with the regulations and needs of the Festival. The Scholarship Committee will consult annually with the donor to confirm each scholarship and its criteria.
These are RMFA-specific protocols that supplement the SMFA Rules and Regulations. Check our FAQs for more details.
If you have further questions or need clarification, feel free to reach out.
As listed below, entry fees are the maximum fees that may be charged per class.
District Festival Maximum Entry Fees:
Solo: $50/entry
Small Ensemble (6 or less): $75
Bands, Choirs, and Large Ensembles: $150
Note: Entry fees are determined by each District Festival and are published on the SMFA website.
The SMFA Syllabus is the official guide for competition in Saskatchewan Music Festivals as set out by the Provincial Board of Directors of SMFA. The SMFA Syllabus is subject to change. Users should be aware of all pertinent information, including:
Following is the division of disciplines as used by SMFA:
Provincial classes are identified with the letter (P). Before entering, read the “Provincial Scholarship Regulations” on pages 9 & 10 of the SMFA syllabus.
Canada West/Excellence Classes can be found starting on page 50. This is a three-level competition (District, Provincial, and Canada West). Students wanting to participate in this competition must enter these classes at their District Festival. More information can be found on pages 11 and 50.
District Festivals may add additional classes and will assign these classes a competition number, followed by the letter (D) for the District Festival after the class title. The addendum must be published at least 30 days before the entry close date and posted on the SMFA website. Such classes intend to supplement, not duplicate, those already found in the Syllabus.
Written requests for additional classes may be sent to the District Festival well in advance of the festival dates. Such requests will be considered, and the person making the request will be informed of the decision.
When an entry does not conform to the class entered in the Syllabus or District Festival addenda, it shall be marked with an “A” to signify ‘for adjudication only’ and no mark or scholarship will be awarded.
Syllabus suggestions for the upcoming year must be written to the SMFA Board of Directors, c/o Provincial Office, before May 31.
Copyright infringement is a serious breach of the law. The Copyright Act provides that the owner of the copyright may pursue all civil remedies, including damages and an accounting, against an individual for copyright infringement. The individual may also be subject to criminal prosecution and fines. It is also an offence to distribute infringing copies (those photocopied without permission), whether or not it is done for profit.
Copyright laws will be strictly observed.
Anyone using unauthorized, altered, or photocopied copyright music will be disqualified; no adjudication, mark, or scholarship will be considered for the competitor. Music and literature downloaded from the internet must show authorization from the publisher or proof of purchase. See additional copyright Information on page 14.
Copyright Information
Copyright is the right to copy. The composer usually owns the copyright for a specific piece, and they, in turn, assign the right to a publisher to help engrave, promote, and distribute the piece. The publisher pays the composer a royalty on each copy sold. So, who can photocopy or alter a composer's work? Only the composer!
Copying music by any means for the performance is expressly prohibited except under the fair use guidelines: "Emergency copying to replace purchased copies which for any reason are not available for an imminent performance is allowed, provided purchased replacement copies shall be substituted in due course.”
What does the statement above mean? Let's give some examples:
One of your sopranos is participating in a District Festival next week, but the required music hasn't arrived yet. You make photocopies from your library. It is fair use – provided you don't cancel your order. The festival committee may request a sales slip from a music store to prove the music has been ordered and paid for.
Your eighth-grade clarinet player has misplaced the solo he was to perform. You photocopy another student's music and order a new copy for the first student. Again, this is fair use, but you must request a copy and provide proof of purchase.
There is no excuse for not having a second or third copy for the adjudicator or accompanist. Most major publishers will grant permission to make up to three copies (provided you have an original) for a small or no fee. But you have to email them and ask for permission. They will then instruct you on how many copies you may make and what must be written on each copy's bottom. This email permission must be provided to the festival.
Copying for a page turn is not allowed and is an infringement of the law. Photocopies for page-turning purposes will only be permitted when the holder of the copyrighted material supplies written permission. The Frederick Harris Music Co. Limited allows festival participants to photocopy one page per selection from their publications to facilitate a page turn.
If you wish to transpose any existing publication or modify it in any way, you must seek permission. It is illegal to duplicate or alter music that has been copyrighted.
Music in the Public Domain should be researched before any selection is used for Festival purposes. Publications out of print or in the Public Domain may not be photocopied until you have cleared it with the rightful owner.
Although many websites claim to offer Free Public Domain music, competitors must be aware that, in most cases, the music is not free and has been illegally scanned or copied from a publishing company. For instance, all of J.S. Bach's works are in the public domain; however, a publisher has taken considerable expense to digitize or engrave their particular edition. This involves hours of deciphering, deciding what the original manuscript noted, and making decisions based on experience. The publisher's edition is copyrighted and protected under the copyright law. It is, therefore, illegal to download a scanned or copied version that someone has posted on the internet.
Avoid using these "free" websites for festival choices unless you have paid a fee or have written permission from the author/composer for the piece and can provide proof of purchase to your District Festival.
Submitted in 2016 by the late Darren Schwartz, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
The following indicates the method of evaluation:
Rating A+
Mark: 90 & above
Performance Standard: Signifies superior performance
Rating A
Mark: 85 to 89
Performance Standard: Signifies distinction
Rating A-
Mark: 80 to 84
Performance Standard: Signifies definite merit
The winner and runner-up of each class will receive numeric marks, which may be announced. While marks may be used for administrative purposes, other performers will be given a letter rating on the adjudication sheets and public postings.
An annual Provincial Competition will be held for District Winners. The adjudicator selects scholarship winners. The scholarship will not be given if the standard attained is not of sufficient merit.
Competitors must:
This rule does not apply to the pianist in the lieder class. Musical Theatre and Voice are considered separate disciplines.
Competitors are:
Provincial Level of Canada West Performing Arts Festival Regulations
Age of competitors will be calculated as of December 31 of the previous year.
Competitors must:
Notwithstanding any other provision in these Regulations, the Saskatchewan Music Festival Association’s Board of Directors shall be the final and binding decision-making authority on all matters pertaining to competitions administered by the SMFA.
Our festival is performed on Treaty 4 Territory. These are the traditional lands of the nêhiyawak (Cree), Anihšināpēk (Saulteaux), and Dakota, Lakota, and Nakoda, and the homeland of the Métis. May we strive to make beautiful music together.
All Rights Reserved
©2023, Regina Music Festival Association
Charity BN/Registration Number: R 82187 1845 RR001
©2023, Regina Music Festival Association, Charity BN/Registration Number: R 82187 1845 RR001
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